Drawing from Your Spiritual Well
Silly Human Stuff is a phrase I coined as a kinder, gentler way of saying, “I’m getting in my own way.” Each and every one of us experiences our own silly human stuff in one way, shape or form. Whether it’s self-sabotaging, limiting beliefs or old stories. We wear these things like old suits we’ve grown out of, but just cannot seem to give them up. It’s like an old, tattered pair of pajamas – so worn yet so old, familiar and comfortable. Then we notice we are cold in those pajamas, we feel kind of run down (also known as “not good enough”) when we wear them and they really need to go.
Sometimes it’s more comfortable to stay in the old and familiar than to buy ourselves a new pair of p.j.s. New pajamas are stiff and uncomfortable until they are worn at least a couple of times. It’s the same way with new habits; until we get used to them, they can be so darn uncomfortable.
That’s when it’s time to draw from the spiritual well. Your own spiritual well. We all have different spiritual gifts we bring to the table – His table. Let’s have a feast. For some, it’s the gift of writing or singing and playing a musical instrument. For others, it’s the gift of leadership, powerful listening, tremendous compassion or a great smile.
When you see someone else’s well is running dry, you can fill their cup to overflowing. When your spiritual well runs dry, you can seek out those who will do the same in turn for you. More importantly, seek God. How do you seek Him?
Feeding Yourself Spiritually
When your thirst is quenched by human fellowship alone, you may still feel hungry. Seek the divine in all you are and all that you do. Get quiet, be still, and listen. It is in those moments, divinity will find you, guide you and feed you. Keep going forward.
There are no wrong steps, no wrong turns, just an ever-forward, free-flowing series of events. Some stones in our pathways are smaller while others require giant leaps to travel across; each one, however, is just as significant as the other no matter how big or how small.
The journey is a pathway made up of a whole; no step is inconsequential and no leap of faith too small. Watch for the signs, the serendipities and coincidences and then you will know, “When God Nods.”
Make a choice, make a difference. So Be It.