How to Tell the Difference between the Voice of Fear and the Voice of Intuition
Hint Number One: How to tell the difference between the voice of fear and the guidance of your intuition
I, myself, have been searching for years how to discern between that little quiet voice of intuition (can you just turn up the volume please!) and the loud voice of fear. There’s a hint on how to tell the difference between fear or intuition. The voice of intuition is quiet. The voice of fear is loud (like an alarm bell going off in my head – over and over and over. You get the idea).
Get Out of Your Mind and Clear the Confusion
After much time trying to “figure it out,” I let go of over-thinking. In my micro-moment of silence in my head, it came to me. Going deeper, I recently realized, besides the volume at which my intuition speaks to me is how my body speaks to me. Yes, score! The body seems to keep score.
When I feel resistance (pretty much daily) to something new (can you relate?), I feel fear in my chest. The resistance to something new coming from guidance (a/k/a intuition), feels different. I feel it in my tummy. (Yes, trust that gut!).
Now there is no certain way other than what works for you or does not work for you. However, I figured I’d share how I’ve learned to tap into that well spring of genius (a/k/a at-your-service intuition).
Here are a Few Tips How to Tell the Difference between Fear and Intuition
- The voice of intuition is quiet and still.
- The tone of intuition is certain.
- The presence of intuition is calm.
- Most importantly, I am calm when I am in tune with the life-affirming questions such as: what’s mine to do, or what’s next?
- It’s a feeling and a knowing – yes, a knowing; like, yes, this is me and that is my path. It’s up to me, however, to walk down that path or make a U-turn (human safety zone alert!) and turn on my heel and walk (okay, run) away.
- Intuition for me, is a solid, grounded feeling in my tummy and other times it’s the feeling of “Yes, I’m scared, but how exciting!”
- Intuition is the pre-cursor to effortless action
Fear on the other hand:
- Feels like over-thinking, over-analyzing, getting stuck in the never-ending maze of worrisome thoughts inside my head (dark and scary tunnel in there – insert Laugh out Loud emoji).
- Is a physical feeling, like a tightness in my chest – warning, warning!
- Causes me to press the pause button (okay, the STOP button).
- When in fear mode, I become inactive or worse,
- I begin to procrastinate and do other things (picture my inner child putting her fingers in her ears and singing at the top of her lungs).
- Fear feels like guilt and shame for not following through (especially since I was the one who asked for guidance in the first place!).
My body loves, loves, loves, intuitive pulls and inspirational guidance. My body reacts intensely to fear. When wondering if you’re receiving messages from intuition or fear, some quiet time alone without noise or distraction works. Feeling into the sensations of your body will guide you on your path.
Better yet, maybe you won’t make that U-turn but instead forge ahead with power and grace.
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Here’s to Listening to Your Intuition with Power and Grace,